55 12 Ideas To Create Social Media Buzz For Your Business

August 22


12 Ideas To Create Social Media Buzz For Your Business

By Hanson Cheng

August 22, 2023

  • minute read
  • It's no secret that social media has become a major driver of new business. 

    With an astonishing 3.96 billion people connecting with friends and brands 24/7 on social media each day, this is an awesome business growth opportunity.

    If you're looking to grow your company with the help of social media, there are some steps you can take to create a buzz around your brand and generate more leads. 

    Here are 12 ways to generate buzz on social media for your business: 

    But first, why should your company have a forceful presence on online social platforms?

    3 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing (SMM) For Small Business

    Source: Pixabay

    SMM has many advantages. I’ll give you four.

    1. Viral Quality

    The reason social media is so powerful for startups is that it has both a viral and an organic reach quality to it. Others will share your social campaign, and the social networks' algorithms can help to push it out further still.

    2. Thought Leadership

    People buy from people they know, like, and trust. Developing trust and authority doesn’t happen overnight. With each content update, your stature in your industry grows bigger and bigger. You become a thought leader in your industry.

    3. Touchpoints

    To market a product until people are ready to buy takes time. Marketers say it takes up to 7 touchpoints to move a stranger turn a stranger into a customer. By engaging potential customers on your Facebook page, Twitter, and other channels, you increase the number of touchpoints and nudge them to the sale.

    4. Website Traffic

    Building hype and excitement on social channels helps you drive SEO traffic to your landing page or website. You also build anticipation about what your business has to offer.

    There are multiple strategies you can use to create a buzz about your company on social platforms. Let’s get to them.

    1. Go To Your Audience’s Favorite Social Media Platforms

    I’m sure you’ve heard this question many times in marketing circles:

    What’s the best social platform now?

    This question might lead you astray. You’ll rush to social platforms that are trending. While those platforms may be popular, it doesn’t mean they are the right ones for your company. A better way that guarantees you results is by following your audience to their favorite social network watering holes.

    To gain attention and create buzz, concentrate all your efforts on platforms your audience demographic is already active on. If you’re in the music business, it makes sense to share content on social networks like Facebook or Instagram where people are also sharing and talking about music. For books, it would make sense for the owners to target social media channels like Twitter and Tumblr as well, among the social platforms they are more active on.

    Check usage by demographics on industry reports to see where the audience that fits your buyer persona gathers. Try using social media marketing analytic tools, such as Social Mention or Social Bakers to find out where your audience meets online. 

    Finally, ask your subscribers. Do a quick survey to see which social platforms they prefer.

    2. Create Mouthwatering Visual Content

    Source: Pixabay

    You might not force your followers into a pizza coma, but you can sure as heck draw them close with mouthwatering visual content. 

    Instagram and Pinterest are social platforms that work fantastically well for food entrepreneurs, and other social media users have caught on. If you're a social media user who's ever drooled over social media food content, then you know exactly why visual social content is so effective. 

    People crave social content that gives them a tantalizing preview or teasers of the feast they can have if they'd just purchase your products and services. This makes social content marketing for restaurants and other food businesses particularly easy, especially on platforms such as Instagram.

    By posting social content that makes social media users hungry for your actual products, you can easily entice social media users into a sharing or purchasing frenzy.

    Experiment with these content marketing visuals to see what works best for your audience.

    • GIFs.
    • Memes.
    • Screenshots.
    • Video.
    • Infographics.
    • Slideshare.
    • Custom Images.
    • Data Visualizations.

    3. Focus On Shareworthy Content

    You might have a hard time getting social media content found on social media sites without social media users sharing it. 

    But social content that social media users will want to share is simple: content that's jaw-dropping, fascinating, shocking, or otherwise interesting enough for them to want other social users to know about it. The key here is "share-worthy." It's one thing to have social media users take notice of social content, but it's another for them to want to share that social content with their friends.

    Shareworthy, relevant content is:

    • Helpful: When people love something and find it useful, they naturally want to tell their friends about it. 
    • Surprising: People’s brains are wired to ignore the mundane but their minds light up when they meet the unexpected.
    • Contrarian: Whenever someone’s ideas go against the grain, the world takes notice. However, base your view on a valid argument backed by data.
    • Colorful: Many studies show that visual content gets more shares than bland text content.

    4. Be Helpful And Engage In Conversations With Your Audience

    To generate buzz online, help others.

    People help people who help them. It’s the law of reciprocity.

    Social sites like Twitter are great places to find people with common interests who could be potential clients or social media followers. 

    So, how do you help your social media followers?

    • Answer their questions: Use social media marketing listening tools to pick up questions related to your brand. Then jump into the conversation and provide answers.
    • Give out useful resources: Nothing generates goodwill better than a gift. Give your followers helpful resources like ebooks, checklists, videos (behind-the-scenes clips), or roadmaps.
    • Share their content: Another powerful way to help your followers is by sharing their content. Promoting their content endears you to their hearts.
    • Reward followers with incentives: Offer incentives for engagement such as discounts or coupons.

    By sowing seeds of helpfulness consistently, you will reap handsomely as followers return the favor by liking, sharing, and commenting on your content.

    5. Be Consistent: No Vanishing Acts

    Consistency is key to successful marketing. 

    Don't stop posting just because you're not getting likes or shares right away.

    Brands that show up consistently gain people’s respect. They trust them because they deem them as more reliable than companies that post sporadically. 

    If you want social media buzz, be consistent with your content schedule and social marketing campaigns on social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. The more often people see your brand/products on social channels means the higher chances of word-of-mouth advertising.

    Not only that.

    The more people hear from you, the more they trust your word. Showing up consistently underlines your authority in your niche. On the flip side, if you keep disappearing from social feeds, people won’t trust you. They will think you are an undependable brand, here today but nowhere to be found tomorrow when they need you most. Being erratic kills online marketing momentum.

    So have a posting calendar and stick to it religiously.

    6. Blend The Right Amount Of Business And Socializing

    Social media is social after all, so ultimately you'll want your social content marketing to be sociable.

    But how do you do it?

    While business social media tools can definitely help with this, here are three tactics to consider for becoming a more sociable brand on social networks:

    Leave bone dry formal language at the office.

    Get into social chats as a fascinating human being, not a rigid, boring organization. Stay clear of jargon and all the fancy terms you use at the office. Talk like a human. Use simple everyday expressions ordinary folks understand. Then users will engage with you at first glance because they get what you are saying.

    Show them your real side.

    People love social content made by real people, and there's no reason social content marketing for your startup should be any different. Feature the beautiful faces of your brand so followers meet the people behind your company. Have genuine conversations with your audience.

    Don’t be too salesy.

    If every other post you publish is a sales pitch, you’ll lose followers in a flash. Why? Because people will think you are only engaging with them for sales and nothing else. That puts people off. Focus more on sharing helpful content than selling. The day you decide to promote your products it’ll feel like you’re their best friend recommending something to a friend, not another business trying to sell them something.

    7. Create Buzz By Partnering With Influencers

    Source: Pixabay

    Another powerful way to generate buzz for your company is to partner with influencers. 

    You can work with an influencer for free or pay one to publish your content. An easy way to leverage an influencer’s audience is to bake influencer marketing into your content. Here’s how. When you can content, reach out to experts in your niche and ask them to contribute a quote to the piece you are writing.

    After you publish the post tag them on social platforms and ask them to share the content. Because they are part of the content, they will gladly share it with their hoards of followers.  Another way to trigger buzz via influencers is through paid campaigns.

    Just make sure the influencer:

    • Falls within your budget range. Working with influencer scan be pricey!
    • Fits your audience’s tastes.
    • Has an engaged audience that likes, shares, comments, and clicks on their content.

    No matter which method you choose, paid or free, you must get into the influencer’s radar first to attract their attention. 

    Here’s how:

    • Follow all their pages.
    • Share, like, and comment on their posts.
    • Link to their content and let them know you did.
    • Take part in their conversations.
    • Ask intelligent questions.
    • Attend their events, e.g. Twitter Chat or Facebook Live.
    • Help them, e.g. Tell them about broken links on their site.

    By constantly engaging with them and adding value every time you show up on their feed, they’ll get to know you. When the time for you to ask for a collaboration, they are more likely to say yes to your partnership request because you are a familiar face.

    8. Run Social Media Contests And Giveaways

    Contests and giveaways are an easy and fun way for a brand to create a buzz about its products or services. 

    All you need is an attractive prize for people to share on social media. Sure, there's the risk that the contest could go viral negatively (for example, when Burger King ran their 'Whopper Sacrifice' campaign, they ended up with social media users posting pro-vegetarian and anti-cannibalism messages in response). 

    But if you can create a buzz about your brand, it doesn't matter what people are saying about you as long as there's activity. Contests and giveaways also have the benefit of providing an easy social media content marketing opportunity for small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs.

    A smart way to create buzz around your brand is to ask those who want to take part to share first. That way, with each participant you get, guaranteed you several shares. This boosts brand awareness. 

    This social media content marketing strategy works best on social networks that are perfect for hosting contests. These platforms where users are most likely to engage in giveaways: 

    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest

    There are dedicated tools for contests and giveaways including Vyper, Rafflecopter, Sweep Widget, Gleam, and Outgrow.

    9. Launch Products With A Big Splash

    Another digital marketing moment you can use to create buzz is a product launch. Having a new product is an opportunity for you to tell the entire world about it and make new connections online.

    There are three phases during a launch that you can maximize to become the talk of the town on social streets. Below are quick tips on how to write content that announces your new product in style.

    • Pre-Launch - in the pre-launch phase, tease followers about the upcoming new product. Release fascinating tidbits about the star qualities of the new product. 
    • During the launch - this is the time to showcase the brilliance of your new product. Fill your stream with feature after feature. Offer massive discounts to create more buzz.
    • Post-Launch - wind down the event by thanking users for their time to listen to your new product offer.

    The essence of all this? Introduce your new product to the world with a bang.

    You will set social chats ablaze.

    10. Leverage The Power Of User-Generated Content

    In digital marketing circles, marketers know people enjoy 

    Every social media page you create should invite social followers to contribute content. User-generated content has a better social sharing rate than any other social content type, especially when it comes to visual social media posts like pictures and videos.

    Creating an exclusive social media contest or giving social followers the option to submit their content by sending messages directly to your social pages or sending pictures and social updates through social posts is a great way to create social media buzz about your social media page. You can even let social followers vote for their favorite social content by giving them the option to like it using social media buttons.

    The most important rule in utilizing user-generated content is sharing only high-quality content that corresponds with your social media page's social persona and social goals.

    Little Bellies know how to boost engagement using UGC.

    They allow moms to post authentic pics of their babies. These genuine images resonate with fellow moms and generate more engagement.

    11. Unlock The Power Of Hashtags

    Hashtags are a powerhouse and allow you to connect with like-minded people across the social platforms that use them. They also act as a way of gauging how your social posts have been received by helping you identify key trending topics and content at any given time. When hashtags are used correctly, they can create a huge social media buzz and get your social media content in front of a whole new audience.

    To maximize hashtags and spread the word about your company far and wide:

    • Use a social listening tool to monitor the key social media hashtags that are being used in your industry and connect with people who have similar interests. This will help you see what social posts are trending at any given time, as well as identifying social influencers who might be interested in sharing your content.
    • Use relevant hashtags on your posts but don't go overboard. Overuse hashtags and users will realize it. This could cause your content to be less effective at reaching the right people.
    • Interact with social media users who are using relevant hashtags on their posts to help you engage with people who would be interested in your social content around those key social media-related topics.
    • Track social posts with relevant hashtags to see how many social media users are interacting with your social content. This will give you a better idea of what social media trends are working for your industry and allow you to adjust the focus in future social posts accordingly.

    12. Encourage Positive Online Reviews And Mentions

    You can also create buzz through reviews. Encourage users to create reviews of your products and/or services on reputable social sites. Encouraging social reviews will establish your business as an authority within the particular social industry. This could cause more users to share your social content.

    Here’s how to nail this marketing tactic:

    • Create social media posts containing social review request forms for social websites, encouraging social users to write reviews of your products/services online. Encourage the social media users to share the post using relevant hashtags and increase visibility in social circles that match your target audience.
    • Share content from similar companies who influencers in social review campaigns. This will help you connect with social users who are interested in social marketing and social media-related industry news.
    • Track social reviews on similar social review pages using relevant hashtags. This will give you an idea of what social content is being liked the most by social marketing fans.
    • Create social networking ads containing social review request forms for social websites, encouraging social users to create reviews of your product/service.
    • Encourage social media users to post the ad using hashtags related to what you want social fans to pay the most attention to (e.g. #review). Hashtags should be kept short so that they attract users’ attention quickly.
    • Encourage users to share the ad using hashtags related to the network where the review campaign is being advertised (e.g. #facebookreviews, #twitterreviews).

    Creating buzz for your brand on social platforms is straightforward.

    You just have to target the right audience and make it about them, not your brand. Do that, and they will do all the online marketing on your behalf. They’ll share your content and tell all your friends about your brand.

    Go turn heads on social.

    Last Updated on August 22, 2023 by Hanson Cheng

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    Hanson Cheng

    About the author

    Living in Portugal with my wife and puppies.
    Scaling online businesses and sharing lessons learned on this website and in our email newsletter.

    Always happy to hear from you, so find me on Instagram if you want to say hi!

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