55 What Is Networking And Why Is It Important For Your Business? Pros And Cons Of Networking To Consider - Freedom to Ascend
What Is Networking And Why Is It Important For Your Business? Pros And Cons Of Networking To Consider

July 24


What Is Networking And Why Is It Important For Your Business? Pros And Cons Of Networking To Consider

By Hanson Cheng

July 24, 2023

  • minute read
  • You may have heard the term networking before, but what does it mean, and more importantly, why is it essential for your business?

    Networking can be defined as developing and maintaining relationships with other people, usually for professional reasons. It's essential for businesses of all sizes because it can help you find new customers, suppliers, and partners while raising awareness of your brand.

    At its core, networking is simply building relationships with other professionals. You can exchange information, ideas, and opportunities to help you and your business grow by creating connections with other people in your field.

    In this article, we'll take a closer look at what networking is, why it's essential for businesses, and how to succeed.

    What Does Networking Mean?

    Understanding why networking is essential for business is the first step to utilizing it effectively.

    Knowing what networking starts with a clear definition. This can be summarized as "the process of developing relationships with other people who can help you achieve your business goals."

    Why Is Networking Important And What Are The Pros And Cons Of Networking?

    Professional networking can offer a wealth of opportunities and resources to those that dive deep into it. Let's look at some of these top benefits of networking.

    Top Benefits Of Networking

    Developing Business Relationships

    The importance of networking for business relationship building cannot be understated. Networking allows you to develop relationships with other professionals that can help you in many ways. If you're looking for advice, information, or even just a sounding board for your ideas, networking can provide you with the necessary resources.

    If you needed a new website but didn't want to go through the process of learning how to create a website, having a business relationship with a web developer would be very beneficial. The same applies to every other business function, from accounting to marketing.

    Expanding Your Knowledge

    Networking opportunities can also help you expand your knowledge base. When you meet new people and hear about their experiences, you're exposed to further information and perspectives you may not have otherwise had access to. This can be invaluable in helping you make better decisions for your business.

    Finding A Mentor

    Networking with people you meet can also serve as a great way to find a mentor. A mentor can offer guidance, advice, and support as you grow your business. Having a mentor who's achieved the goals you want to hit can be immensely helpful, and networking allows you to find someone who can help you take your business to the next level.

    From having a mentor that can teach you how to make money online to one that can offer advice on how to get yourself out of a sticky business situation, having people in your network you can rely on is one of the top reasons why networking is important.

    Marketing Your Business

    The importance of networking in business also extends to marketing. You're effectively marketing your company to a broader audience when you meet new people and tell them about your business. This can help you attract new customers and scale your business.

    Cons To Networking In Business: What Are The Downsides To Networking?

    As with everything in life, networking opportunities also have some potential downsides that you should be aware of.

    Here are some of the top ones to consider.

    It Can Be Time-Consuming

    The value of networking should not be underestimated, but it's important to remember that networking can be time-consuming. If you're not careful, it can take up a significant amount of your time in relation to the benefits it provides.

    That said, one shouldn't ignore the importance of networking. If you can find a way to balance your networking activities with the rest of your work, you can reap the many benefits that networking has to offer.

    You Have To Put Yourself Out There

    The purpose of networking is to meet new people and form connections, but this can be difficult for some people. If you're uncomfortable meeting new people and striking up conversations, networking may not be for you.

    That said, even the shyest among us can learn to network effectively with some practice. If you're willing to put yourself out there, you can find success in networking.

    You Might Need To Invest Money

    Some networking opportunities, such as attending conferences or joining networking groups, come at a cost. While the benefits of networking can be well worth this cost, it's essential to keep in mind that you may need to invest some money to take advantage of all that networking offers.

    Networking With The Wrong People Is A Waste Of Time - Or More

    When networking, it is essential to consider the person you're spending time with and getting to know better.

    As a parallel example, when getting your hands on business information as part of market research, you want that information to come from a credible source - not some random blog or website. You wouldn't just start reading the first blog you found, would you? 

    The same applies to networking - building relations with the wrong person is never a helpful activity. One way you can evaluate this is by looking for proof in terms of what a person has achieved and questioning whether spending time with this person will push you towards, or further away, from your goals.

    Especially if paying for such networking privileges, do your research so you don't waste your money and time.

    You Might Not See Results Immediately

    Good networking might take time to produce results. You won't see the benefits of networking overnight, and it might take months or even years to build up a strong network. If you're looking for immediate results, networking might not be the right option.

    Despite the drawbacks, networking is still a valuable tool that can help you in many ways. When used correctly, networking can be an incredible asset for both your online business and personal life.

    The Importance Of Networking In Business: How The Follow-Up Can Make Or Break The Experience

    As part of the business networking definition for success, you must follow up after a networking event. When building long-term relationships, the key is to reach out to the people you meet and connect with them more profoundly.

    Here are some of the best ways to follow up with those that you're interested in building a deeper connection with. These are just a few ideas, so feel free to get creative and personalize your follow-up to make the best impression.

    Add Them On Social Media

    Social media is a great way to connect with people you otherwise might not be able to communicate with in person. It's also a great way to stay up-to-date on what's going on in their lives. If you meet someone at a networking event with whom you want to connect, add them on social media - it's a great way to mix business and personal.

    Send Them A Personal Email

    Email is still one of the best ways to connect with people. It's personal and shows that you're interested in staying in touch. Send them a personal email using a conversational tone you'd use when speaking with friends. In the email, mention where you met and why you're interested in staying in touch.

    Connect With Them On Linkedin

    LinkedIn is a great way to connect with other professionals. Offering much more than the traditional practice of exchanging business cards, LinkedIn lets you keep in touch with people professionally by knowing what they're up to in their day-to-day business life.

    Invite Them To Coffee Or Lunch

    Coffee or lunch is a great way to get to know someone personally. When you meet someone at a physical event and want to build the best type of relationship, coffee or lunch is a great low-key way to do it.

    The Best Way To Go About Networking - Starting Your Network From Scratch

    Being at the center of a well-functioning network community platform has always been essential for businesses. It allows the people in such a network to easily connect with other companies and individuals to help them grow and succeed. In the digital age, networking has become even more accessible, as the internet and social media have made it easier for businesses to connect with potential customers worldwide.

    Building a network of like-minded people from scratch can be daunting, but it's worth the effort, as a strong network can provide your business with a wealth of resources and opportunities. It will also provide plenty of market validation opportunities for your business.

    Why Is It Important To Maintain Network Relationships?

    When you have a good network, people are more likely to think of you when they need something you offer. Additionally, having a vast network can help you quickly get the word out about your business, which is essential for start-ups and small businesses. Good networking can also lead to opportunities for joint ventures and other partnerships that can help your business grow.

    Common Mistakes People Make When Networking

    Here are a few of the most common mistakes people make when networking, mistakes that can lead to less than ideal results:

    • Not having a plan or strategy: Networking without a plan is like going on a road trip without a map. You might eventually get to your destination, but it will be much more complex and take much longer than if you had planned your route. When networking, it's essential to clearly understand what you hope to accomplish and who you want to connect with. Otherwise, you'll likely waste time and energy meeting people who won't add to your goals.
    • Trying to sell too early: Whether selling yourself or a product/service that you offer, when first meeting someone, you must build rapport and establish a relationship before selling anything. If you immediately start trying to pitch them, they'll likely be turned off and less likely to want to do business with you both then and down the road.
    • Not following up: Once you've made a new connection, you must follow up with them afterward. Whether sending them an email, connecting with them on social media, or meeting up for coffee, taking the time to follow up will help solidify the relationship.
    • Being too self-promotional: When networking, it's essential to balance promoting yourself and your business and providing as much value as possible. People will quickly get bored and tune you out if you only talk about yourself. Instead, focus on finding common ground and building relationships by providing as much value to the other person as possible. Giving before getting is the best way to network.
    • Not being genuine: People can spot inauthenticity from a mile away, so it's essential to be genuine when networking. If you're not interested in the other person or what they have to say, it will be self-evident, and they'll be less likely to want to do business with you. Instead, focus on building genuine relationships and connections with people.

    What Is Networking? FAQ

    What Is Business Networking, And Why Is It Important To Partake In?

    The importance of business networking can't be understated – it's an essential activity for any professional looking to further their career. Connecting with other professionals can open up a new networking opportunity, help you gain valuable insights and knowledge, and build long-term relationships that will benefit you and your business.

    What Is Networking Business?

    A networking business is a company that joins people with similar interests to further their careers or businesses. This can be done online or in person and often includes events and conferences.

    What Is Networking For A Job?

    Networking is essential when looking for a job because it allows you to meet new people who might be able to help you find a job or give you insights into your industry. It also allows you to build relationships that can benefit you in the long run - whether you prefer the employee route or become a business owner.

    What Is The Importance Of Networking In The Workplace?

    Networking power relationships are essential in the workplace as they can help you get ahead and achieve your goals. By networking with the right people, you can gain access to hidden job opportunities, learn about upcoming projects, and get insights into company culture.

    Some of the top reasons why networking is vital in the workplace include:

    • It can help you find a job.
    • It can help you advance in your career.
    • It can help you build relationships with influential people.
    • It can give you insights into your industry.
    • It can help you learn about upcoming projects.

    Using networking in the workplace can be a great way to get ahead and achieve your goals. In addition, building networking connections can also help you in your personal life.


    In business, having an authentic view of the right networking meaning as it relates to building and maintaining relationships is critical. Developing a solid network of contacts who can offer advice, support, and opportunities is essential.

    Knowing why networking is essential will also help you make the most of any opportunities that come your way. At the end of the day, it's about developing long-term relationships that can benefit both parties involved. 

    By regularly figuring out how to provide value to others and build your network, you'll be sure to reap the rewards of such activity both in the short and long term.

    Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Hanson Cheng

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    Hanson Cheng

    About the author

    Living in Portugal with my wife and puppies.
    Scaling online businesses and sharing lessons learned on this website and in our email newsletter.

    Always happy to hear from you, so find me on Instagram if you want to say hi!

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